Our Treatment Process
The first consultation visit: Initial Intake
The second consultation visit: Lab review and treatment plan
The third consultation visit: Reassessment
Subsequent follow-up visits as needed
Additional Services
Click on the service for more information
Our Treatment Process
If you are interested in seeing Dr. Lewis, please schedule a free 15-minute phone consult with him. We would like to know what your health care goals are and discuss if our approach is what you are looking for. The purpose of this phone call is not to diagnose or treat your health concerns, but to answer any questions you may have about our general approach to assessment and treatment. We look forward to hearing from you!
The first consultation visit: Initial Intake
Prior to your first visit, we will email you links to your initial intake functional medicine health assessment questionnaires. Dr. Lewis will then spend time analyzing your intake information in preparation for your first office visit. During this visit he will listen to your specific health concerns and goals, further history will be obtained, and a physical exam will be performed. A primary goal of this visit is to identify the root causes of your health problems. Typically lab work will be recommended and then a personalized preliminary treatment plan discussed. Usually you will spend 1 - 2 hours with Dr. Lewis during this visit as well as additional time with our nurse.
The second consultation visit: Lab review and treatment plan
After your lab work has come back, you will be scheduled for your second visit. During this visit Dr. Lewis will review your lab results with you. He will then partner with you to further develop your treatment plan based on your lab results, personal preferences, and your current and future health goals. As with the first visit, your second visit will typically last 1 - 2 hours with Dr. Lewis and additional time with our nurse.
The third consultation visit: Follow up
During this visit any further lab work which may have been ordered will be reviewed, your symptoms and concerns will be reassessed, and your treatment plan will be reviewed and adjusted as needed. You will generally spend 30 minutes with Dr. Lewis. This visit will usually be scheduled within 1-2 months of your second visit.
Subsequent follow-up visits
If needed, you can be scheduled for additional follow-up visits which usually last 30-60 minutes depending on your progress.
Additional Services
Low Dose Immunotherapy
Excessive inflammation is at the root of many chronic diseases. Low Dose Immunotherapy (LDI) can benefit those with an overactive immune system by helping to reestablish tolerance to different allergens, chemicals, and organisms. Our immune system may inappropriately attack substances that should not trigger an immune response, leading to food allergies and sensitivities, environmental allergies, chemical sensitivities, and autoimmune diseases. Furthermore, an overly reactive immune response to microorganisms in our body can contribute to chronic illness. This can happen with organisms that cause persistent symptoms, such as those related to chronic Lyme disease, Lyme co-infections, herpes, yeast, and acne as well conditions caused by other bacteria, yeast, mold, and viruses. LDI works by administering a very low dose of an antigen under your tongue to which your body is overly reactive. Click here for more information about LDI and who it can benefit.
Brain Mapping and Brain Therapies
Click on the service for more information
Frequency Specific Microcurrent and Alpha-Stim M
Frequency specific microcurrent is a therapy which uses very low levels of electric current to treat a number of conditions primarily associated with pain and inflammation. It is mainly used to treat pain arising from nerve and muscle conditions. For more information see the Cleveland Clinic’s website on Frequency-Specific Microcurrent.
Another method of treating acute, post-traumatic, and chronic pain that we offer is Alpha-Stim M which is a different technology that also utilizes microcurrent. Both of these technologies can be used at home or in the office.
Telemedicine Services
For those interested, much of your care can be managed through telemedicine via video calls or phone conversations. Dr. Lewis prefers to conduct the initial consultation in person to gather essential information through a physical examination. However, if you’re unable to visit due to extenuating circumstances such as poor travel conditions or illness, your first consultation can be done over the phone or via videoconference, with the second consultation scheduled at our office. After your initial in-office visit, most follow-up appointments can be conducted through telemedicine. We recommend an annual in-office visit for those requiring care beyond one year.
Join Dr. Lewis for teachings on how to navigate your path to health from a functional medicine perspective
If you would like to stay informed about upcoming teachings given by Dr. Lewis on a variety of health topics, you can sign up here and we will notify you by email as they become available. The teachings will cover how the principles of functional medicine can be utilized to help you regain and maintain health and will address conditions such as autoimmune disease, cardiovascular disease, depression, dementia, diabetes, digestive disorders, hormonal disorders, neuromodulation, and attention deficit disorder to name just a few. The information is educational in nature and is not meant to establish a physician-patient relationship or offer medical advice.